Do I need a Company LinkedIn Page?

We are asked on a regular basis whether a business should have a LinkedIn Company Page and the answer quite simply is yes!

Users may discover, follow, and find new positions at their favourite companies via LinkedIn Pages. They are helpful to everyone, not only professionals and job seekers. You may use LinkedIn Company Pages to engage with your audience and build your brand's reputation whether you run a business, organisation, or other type of institution.

LinkedIn is actually a very busy place! Updates are posted, people look for new employment, salespeople sell to potential clients, and LinkedIn members of all backgrounds interact, discuss, and form connections. This level of activity is not unexpected given that they have more than 800 million subscribers.

LinkedIn Company Pages are created to provide your business a home on the network and to allow you to connect with your audience. You're losing out on new connections, followers, employees, and clients if you haven't created a LinkedIn Page for your company yet.

Once you have created your page, it does not stop there as you need to make your page work for you. We know that this takes time, effort and skill but we can take this off your hands so that you can concentrate on the everyday running of your business.

If you need some help with LinkedIn, get in touch today.


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